Anssi Johansson
1. Project Responsibilities
- None at the moment.
What responsibilities did you have inside of the project ?
- QA for CentOS releases
- Mirror monitoring
- Managing list of mirrors
- IPv6 torrent tracker
Forum moderator
- Making snarky comments about things not working as they should
2. Contact information
Email: <avij (the funny at sign goes here) centosproject DOT org>
3. Interests
What are your personal interests in the CentOS project ?
- Making things work as they should
4. List of achievements
What have you accomplished already ?
- Made it to the QA team (February 2012)
- Set up an IPv6 torrent tracker (January 2013)
IPv6 mirror monitoring, see for pretty graphs
- Participated in the CentOS QA process since CentOS 5.8 and 6.3
- Revamped mirror monitoring and mirrorlist scripts
- Set up automatic nag emails to operators of broken/outdated mirrors
5. Biography
5.1. Short
Anssi Johansson has been using CentOS since CentOS 5.0, and various other *IX operating systems in the past.
5.2. Long
My claim to fame is that I'm studying at the same Department of Computer Science as Linus Torvalds. When I'm not at my keyboard I love being outdoors in the mountains.