CentOS Dojo Timisoara, Romania 27th Sept 2014
REMARK: All talks at the event will be in English
A one day sysadmin centric learning and sharing experience
The CentOS Dojo's are a one day event, organised around the world, that bring together people from the CentOS Communities to talk about systems administration, best practices in Linux-centric activities and emerging technologies of note. The emphasis is to find local speakers and tutors to come together and talk about things that they care about most, and to share stories from their experiences working with CentOS in various scenarios. |
All talks at this event are going to be in English.
Registration and Event Capacity
Register now at http://centosdojotimisoara2014.eventbrite.co.uk/ In order to keep the sessions productive and encourage discussion, the number of seats are limited. We encourage early registration to ensure availability. On the evening of the event, we will likely head out for some drinks in the area, please let us know on the registration page if you are able to make it for that, so we can plan for capacity.
The OpenNebula project is running a OpenNebula Techday on the 26th Sept from 15:00 to 19:00, at the same venue. Their main focus at the event is going to be a tutorial focused towards people wanting to get their own private cloud infrastructure running on CentOS Linux.
Speakers and Agenda
CentOS Dojos' goal : having a strong emphasis on getting things done with CentOS. Dojos feature tutorials, case studies, and in-depth discussions of technologies in and around CentOS. If you're interested in speaking at this event, please contact the CentOS team for details.
The day will run from 09:00 to 17:00.
We have a great lineup of speakers on the day :
Valentin Bud
OpenNebula in Production - I will talk about the design process for a Cloud in production built with OpenNebula emphasising on the lessons learned from running this Cloud for the past year. |
Nicolae Critu & Catalin Costea
Platform in a box - Deployment from virtual box to enterprise cloud - Our presentation will be about why and how we deploy our platform to a CentOS VirtualBox VM as well as to AWS or OpenStack + Ceph provider. Why and which AWS services we use. As going to the cloud is turmoil for most IT companies I think sharing our experience is valid learning. |
Alessandro Pilotti
Automating OpenStack CI testing on CentOS with Tempest and RDO - A large open source project like OpenStack with almost 1000 active developers contributing code requires strong policies to gate proposed patches. This becomes particularly tricky in a cloud enviroment consisting of several decoupled projects, with a non trivial amount of external components as well. After a solid year of experience running the Nova and Neutron Hyper-V CI, during this session we'll present the tips and tricks that we developed to successfully run a multi-layered cloud whose management layer is based on CentOS and RDO. |
Javier Fontan
OpenNebula on CentOS - A zero to hero session on running your own cloud on CentOS Linux with OpenNebula, KVM and GlusterFS. We will finish off with a conversation around some of the pitfalls of modern day on premise clouds. |
Karanbir Singh
Beginers guide to The CentOS Project: A short fifteen minute session on what the CentOS Project is, what we are doing in the short term and our long term aims. |
Karanbir Singh
Developing with CentOS in the cloud: This will be a demo / tutorial session that gets everyone started developing with CentOS Linux on their laptops and then deploy into the public clouds like Amazon web service, Google compute, HP Cloud and Rackspace Cloud. |
Location and Transportation
http://www.business-centre.ro City Business Centre, D Building C. Brediceanu Nr. 10 300011 Timișoara
Our sponsors:
If you're interested in sponsoring this event, or other CentOS Dojos, please contact the CentOS team for details