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Single Point of Contact: FabianArrotin

Event Information


What do we want to achieve/show at FOSDEM?


Who is willing to help at FOSDEM 2009 ? Add yourself to the list below:

Needed information

Be aware of the deadline: 10/01/2009

Please put your speaker information on your personal page. Including: Real name, Bio abstract, Bio, Picture, Contact information, Links (website, blog, ...)

For each session taking place in the devroom, we need the following information:



ATTENTION: Draft proposal and subject to changes.




Saturday 7/2

12h - 13h

RPM Packaging

Christoph Wickert (Fedora)

13h - 14h

Fedora Electronics Lab

Chitlesh Goorah (Fedora)

14h - 15h

Fedora-fr Next Challenges

Thomas Canniot (Fedora)

15h - 16h

Free IPA

Simo Sorce (Freeipa/Fedora)

16h - 17h

Sugar and Fedora

Tomeu Vizoso & Greg DeKoenigsberg (Fedora)

17h - 18h


Raphael Pinson (Fedora)

Sunday 8/2

10h- 11h

Introduction to CentOS


11h - 12h

Enterprise Linux Competitive Landscape


12h - 12h30

CentOS on the Desktop


12h30 - 13h

Poor Man's SAN w/ CentOS and gPXE


13h - 14h

SELinux on CentOS


14h - 15h

Large CentOS LDAP Deployments


15h - 16h

Cobbler & Koan

Robert Lazzurs & Jasper Capel (Fedora)

16h - 17h

Func & Symbolic

Luca Foppiano & Francesco Crippa (Fedora)

Title: Enterprise Linux Competitive Landscape

Title: Introduction to CentOS

Title: Large CentOS LDAP Deployments

Title: SELinux under CentOS

Title: CentOS on the Desktop

Title: Poor Man's SAN w/ CentOS and gPXE

Saturday evening dinner

Like last year we would like to organize a common dinner for all CentOS participants (and people willing to join us)

Here are the details : restaurant De Klimop, Martelarplein 5 - 3000 Leuven. (http://www.deklimopleuven.be)

And here is the list of attendants :

For Spouses or partners

Spouses/partners: enjoy a guided tour of Brussels while your favorite geek attends FOSDEM !

This year, FOSDEM hires professional guides to offer a guided tours of Brussels for the spouses or partners. If he or she would like to accompany you, and is not interested in the FOSDEM conference, this will make the stay worthwhile. Brussels is a city with a rich historical past, and a cosmopolitan present.

The tours will take place both afternoons of the conference. The first one will give an introduction of the heart of Brussels, and the other one will cover different views of the city, and make sure you're back well on time.

The guides are from the organization Brukselbinnenstebuiten.

Please register : http://fosdem.org/2009/node/157

2023-09-11 07:22