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This is a read-only archived version of wiki.centos.org

Joe Brockmeier

Have been using Linux since I discovered Slackware in 1996, and have used just about every major Linux distribution (and a few minor ones...) as my main distribution at some point or another.

Over the years I've worked for a data hosting company, as a freelance technology journalist, Editor-in-Chief of Linux Magazine, openSUSE Community Manager, and open source advocate for Citrix for Apache CloudStack.

I'm a member of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), PMC member for Apache CloudStack and the Apache Incubator, on the Fedora Cloud Working Group, and chair of the Atomic SIG for CentOS.

1. Project Responsibilities

Chair of the Atomic SIG for CentOS.

2. Contact information


2023-09-11 07:22