Firstname Lastname
John Newbigin
1. Project Responsibilities
- Former CentOS-2 Lead Developer
CentOS-3 CS & GFS
2. Contact information
3. Interests
What are your personal interests in the CentOS project ?
- ...
4. List of achievements
What have you accomplished already ?
- ...
5. Personal TODO list
What items are you going to do (if time permits) ?
- ...
6. Biography
I work at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. I completed my Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Science and Software Engineering in 1999. My job is split between software development and Linux administration. I have a keen interest in open source software and particularly Linux. I dislike bugs and spend most of my time squashing them.
6.1. Short
Firstname Lastname does a lot of things, but mostly is very good in one-line biography writing.
6.2. Long
Since Firstname Lastname was born, he grew up being attached to Linux...
7. Scratch area
Free flow of ideas, thoughts, links and whatever you like...