CentOS Pulse #1802 - 3 July 2018
Dear CentOS Enthusiast,
Thanks for coming back for another edition of the CentOS newsletter. We've got a lot for you this month.
1. Releases and Updates
For immediate notification of releases and updates, join the centos-announce mailing list by sending a blank message to centos-announce-subscribe@centos.org
1.1. Releases
The Software Collections SIG announced the following releases in June:
HAProxy 1.8 on CentOS 7 x86_64 - https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2018-June/022915.html
MongoDB 3.6 on CentOS 7 x86_64 - https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2018-June/022916.html
Perl 5.26 on CentOS 7 x86_64 - https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2018-June/022917.html
PostgreSQL 10.0 on CentOS 7 x86_64 - https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2018-June/022918.html
Ruby 2.5 on CentOS 7 x86_64 - https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2018-June/022919.html
Varnish Cache 5 on CentOS 7 x86_64 - https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2018-June/022920.html
1.2. Errata and Enhancement Advisories
We issued the following CEEAs (CentOS Errata and Enhancement Advisory) during June:
CentOS 6 microcode_ctl - Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHEA-2018:1774
1.3. Errata and Security Advisories
We issued the following CESAs (CentOS Errata and Security Advisory) during June:
CentOS 6 procps Security Update - Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:1777
CentOS 6 xmlrpc3 Security Update - Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:1779
CentOS 7 xmlrpc Security Update - Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:1780
CentOS 7 plexus-archiver Security Update - Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:1836
CentOS 7 kernel Security Update - Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:1852
CentOS 7 git Security Update - Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2018:1957
1.4. Errata and Bugfix Advisories
We issued the following CEBAs (CentOS Errata and Bugfix Advisory) during June:
CentOS 7 linux-firmware BugFix Update - Upstream details at : https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHBA-2018:1838
2. SIG Updates
SIGs - Special Interest Groups - do the daily work of packaging and testing on top of CentOS. You can read more about SIGs, and see which ones are active, in the SIG wiki.
2.1. NFV SIG
fd.io VPP, the user space fast vrouter and data plane. Packages for versions 1711, 1801 and 1804 are available.
For more information about VPP:
2.2. Cloud SIG
The CentOS Cloud SIG meets every Thursday at 1500 UTC on #centos-devel and would appreciate your participation.
2.3. PaaS SIG
The PaaS SIG discussed the OpenShift on CentOS current status in their recent (June 6th) meeting. Further details were discussed in the June 13th meeting.
2.4. Virtualization SIG
- Packages are being built for the upstream release of oVirt 4.2.4
- New libvirt should be release soon (as per June 26th meeting)
2.5. Note to SIG participants
Notes for the newsletter come from your minutes. Putting informative statements in your minutes, using the #info tag during the meeting, will greatly enhance the quality of your updates in this newsletter. Thanks.
3. Events
CentOS participates in numerous events around the world. If you're running, or participating in, an event where you'd like to have some kind of a CentOS presence, please get in touch with the Promotion SIG to explore options.
3.1. Recent Events
Since the last edition of the newsletter, we've participated in the following events.
3.1.1. ISC-HPC Frankfurt
ISC-HPC Frankfurt is the annual European supercomputing event, held in Frankfurt, Germany. CentOS had a presence there in June, in conjunction with the Red Hat booth. The highlight of that event is always the Student Cluster Competition (SCC), where students from around the world compete to build a supercomputer, within a 3kw power limitation, and compete on a variety of benchmarks and applications.
You can see more about the event on the conference website, and read Rich's comments from the SCC.
3.2. Upcoming Events
We have a number of events planned for the rest of this year, and we'd love to see you at an event near you.
3.2.1. August 4-5, Bengaluru, India, Devconf.in
Devconf.in is a conference in India, modeled after Devconf.cz. We are currently looking into having a small booth presence there, and should have more information soon. Follow us on Twitter to find out as soon as we know more.
3.2.2. August 16-19th, Boston, USA: Devconf.us and Dojo
Devconf.us is a new event, modeled after Devconf.cz. CentOS will be participating in two capacities.
On the 16th, we will be hosting a CentOS Dojo at Boston University. The schedule has now been published, and registration is open. The event is free, but as we have limited space, we need you to register, for planning purposes.
On the 17th through the 19th, the main Devconf.us event will also be at Boston University. The schedule is expected to be posted today - July 2nd. CentOS will have a table in the community expo hall, and we're looking for volunteers to staff that table.
Hope to see you in Boston!
3.2.3. October 12-13, Columbus, USA: Ohio Linuxfest
CentOS will be sponsoring Ohio Linuxfest this year, and we're looking for volunteers to help staff the booth. More details are available in the CentOS wiki, and more detail will be provided as we get closer to the event.
3.2.4. October 18th, 19th, Meyrin Switzerland: Dojo at CERN
On October 18th, we will be hosting a Dojo at CERN. The call for papers is open, and we'll be publishing a schedule in August.
3.2.5. February 1, 2019, Brussels, Belgium: FOSDEM
It seems like a long way off, but it will be here before you know it. As usual, we'll be hosting a CentOS Dojo on the day before FOSDEM. Details will begin appearing soon on the event wiki page.
3.3. Recommending Events
If you know of events where CentOS should have a presence, and currently doesn't, please get in touch with the Promotion SIG to let us know about the event, and what kind of participation we should have. Thanks!
4. Contributing to CentOS Pulse
We are always on the look-out for people who are interested in helping to:
- report on CentOS community activity
- provide a report from the SIG on which you participate
- maintain a (sub-)section of the newsletter
- write an article on an interesting person or topic
- provide the hint, tip or trick of the month
Please see the page with further information about contributing. You can also contact the Promotion SIG, or just email Rich directly (rbowen@centosproject.org) with ideas or articles that you'd like to see in the next newsletter.