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We will hold a Dojo on Sunday, March 25th, as part of FOSSAsia. Watch this space, and @CentOSProject on Twitter, for details over the coming days.




11:00 - 11:55

Kamesh Sampath - Your Java Journey into the Serverless World (or) Java in a Serverless World

12:00 - 12:55

Lunch Break

13:00 - 13:55

Suraj Narwade - Making Kubernetes Simple

14:00 - 14:25

Siyuan Liu - Student cluster competition with CentOS

14:30 - 14:55

Saptak Sengupta - Deploy a Django project in CentOS using Nginx, Gunicorn and Let'sEncrypt

15:00 - 15:55

Chandan Kumar and Janki Chhatbar - OpenStack for CentOS

16:00 - 16:55

Community Round Table


Suraj Narwade - Making Kubernetes Simple

Today, it’s difficult and potentially confusing for developers to write applications, learn Kubernetes, and then define how to deploy those applications on Kubernetes. Kubernetes is very powerful, but it also very verbose.

Kedge is a simple and easy way to define and deploy applications to Kubernetes by writing concise application definitions. It helps developers by simplifying “the getting started on Kubernetes experience” without compromising on the power of Kubernetes. Among other things it has support for smart completion in editors (VSCode, Eclipse Che etc) using the Language Server Protocol.

This talk will:

Key takeaways:

Kamesh Sampath - Your Java Journey into the Serverless World (or) Java in a Serverless World

Your Java Journey into the Serverless World (or) Java in a Serverless World In this session we will start to see What is Serverless and what it means to you ? Knowing that we will continue our journey to quickly deploy a serverless platform APACHE OPENWHISK on Kubernetes. Having platform ready we will then demystify what should be your Java Programming model in the serverless world???. Is this enough for me to build my serverless applications, the answer is !!!NO!!! , then what else is required, “TOOLS” , in the last part of this session we will stock check our inventory of tools that can make the serverless journey quick, easy and productive.

Saptak Sengupta - Deploy a Django project in CentOS using Nginx, Gunicorn and Let'sEncrypt

Django is one of the mostly used python frameworks for web developments. Deploying a django project for production is quite a common thing that people have to do. Just running the project isn't exactly enough. Creating redirects using nginx for various different folders, setting up gunicorn, adding ssl certificate using Let's Encrypt, all become an important part. This talk will cover all the steps

Chandan Kumar and Janki Chhatbar - OpenStack for CentOS

There are different ways in which OpenStack can be installed. Service packages are built and maintained by each OS/community. We will be talking about RDO community which builds and maintains OpenStack packages for CentOS. In each release, we add a bunch of packages to RDO so that OpenStack operators can easily consume and deploy the OpenStack services through different installers Like TripleO, Packstack, Kolla etc. Adding a new OpenStack RPM package is not so hard. We will also be talking about

We will finish it up with example of CERN which has a fully functional CentOS based OpenStack cloud.

Siyuan Liu - Student cluster competition with CentOS

Student cluster competitions are very unique high-performance computing related competitions. These competitions have gained popularity among students around the world and the team from Nanyang Technological University has been participating in those competitions for the 4 years. In this session, I will be sharing

2023-09-11 07:22