CentOS LiveDVD 6.10 Release Notes
Last updated: June 30th, 2018
1. Translations
Translations of these release notes are available in the following languages:
2. Introduction
The CentOS Development team is pleased to announce the availability of the CentOS LiveDVD 6.10 for both i386 and x86_64 architectures. These LiveDVDs are based on our CentOS-6.10 i386 and x86_64 distributions.
You can get the CentOS LiveDVD 6.10 from the CentOS mirrors:
- Filename: CentOS-6.10-i386-LiveDVD.iso
SHA256sum: d94892863c113acd633f169e84870dae8bbb9b57b873e06d38e99c7b73c52ce7
- Filename: CentOS-6.10-x86_64-LiveDVD.iso
- SHA256sum: 1375342d72579d0816ad60a8a27c1acfa81d18fbe7cef20cbd08c8fedd2fa475
3. Notable Packages and Applications
- dvd+rw-tools
- evince
- evolution
- firefox
- gimp
- inkscape
- libreoffice
- memtest86+
- pidgin
- thunderbird
- wireshark
4. Features
The primary purpose of the LiveDVD is to test out CentOS without installing it on your computer. If you already know you are going to install CentOS on your computer, the DVD1 (not LiveDVD) and netinstall images are better suited for this purpose, because they allow you to select which packages you want to install.
The LiveDVD contains a few utilities such as a web browser, document viewer, email client, image editor and word processor. GNOME is used as the desktop environment.
Once booted, the LiveDVD can also be installed to hard disk by selecting the Install to hard drive icon from the desktop. The installed system's packages will be identical to what you see when running the LiveDVD. You can naturally use yum to add/remove packages after installation.
5. Known Issues
The size of the overlay is still limited to 4096 MB on the official Centos Live media
LiveDVD does not boot properly on UEFI systems, giving only a grub> prompt. The other images do not have this problem.
- Even though you can also select KDE when logging in, there is no possibility to install to hard drive from within KDE. The Install to hard drive option is only available when using the default GNOME desktop environment.
- Setting the hostname might not work during installation. You may need to set the hostname after you have booted into the installed system.
If you select Install from the boot menu, the installer may get stuck on a black screen at the end of installation. You may need to force a reboot to start using your installed system.
6. How to help and get help
As a CentOS user there are various ways you can help out with the CentOS community. Take a look at our Contribute page for further information on how to get involved.
6.1. Special Interest Groups
CentOS consists of different Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that bring together people with similar interests. The following SIGs already exist:
Artwork - create and improve artwork for CentOS releases and promotion
Promotion - help promoting CentOS online or at events
Virtualization - unite people around virtualization in CentOS
And we encourage people to join any of these SIGs or start up a new SIG, e.g.
- Alpha, S390, Sparc and PPC port - help with porting CentOS to other architectures
- Hardware compatibility - provide feedback about specific hardware
- RPM Packaging - contribute new useful RPM packages
- Translation - help translating the documentation, website and Wiki content
6.2. Mailinglists and Fora
Another way you can help others in the community is by actively helping and resolving problems that users come up against in the mailing lists and the fora.
6.3. Wiki and Website
Even as an inexperienced CentOS user we can use your help. Because we like to know what problems you encountered, if you had problems finding specific information, how you would improve documentation so it becomes more accessible. This kind of feedback is as valuable to others as it would have been to you so your involvement is required to make CentOS better.
So if you want to help out and improve our documentation and Wiki, register on the Wiki or subscribe to the centos-docs mailing list.
7. Further Reading
The following websites contain large amounts of information to help people with their CentOS systems :
Upstream release notes and documentation : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/6.10_Release_Notes/index.html
Upstream technical notes : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/6.10_Technical_Notes/index.html
8. Thanks
We thank everyone involved for helping us produce this product and would like to specifically acknowledge the extra effort made by the QA Team. Without them working almost 24/7 we couldn't have released this as fast as we did.
Copyright (C) 2018 The CentOS Project